Eco-Friendly Beauty? 5 Ways to Make Your Beauty Routine More Green
Eco-Friendly Beauty? 5 Ways to Make Your Beauty Routine More Green
You have likely seen the press around big restaurants and national coffee chains eliminating straws and reducing packaging to eliminate waste. But did you know that there are simple things you can do to decrease your carbon footprint?
One of the best (and easiest) places to decrease your carbon footprint in your beauty routine. Below are super simple solutions to help keep the planet beautiful:
1. Use Sustainable Makeup Brushes
Manufacturing makeup brushes can create a lot of plastic waste. Prioritize using makeup brushes made from sustainable products, like bamboo, and avoid using brushes made from animal hair.
2. Ban Microbeads
Do you buy skincare products with little granules to exfoliate your face? Those microbeads make their way into our water system, and are so small they can’t be filtered out. Those microbeads have been found in fish and other ecosystems, and we’re not a fan of one’s skincare ending up on one’s dinner plate. Check out these 3 natural beauty masks that exfoliate your skin, without harmful byproducts.
3. Reduce Waxing Waste – Use R.E.M Spring
Waxing creates a lot of waste. From the packaging that wax comes in, to dribbling wax drops that litter your bathroom countertop while waxing to waxing strips, etc. Reduce waxing by using a R.E.M Spring on unwanted facial hair. A R.E.M Spring lasts several years, noticeably cutting down on waste.
4. Shampoo Bars are Your New BFF
Shampoo and body wash bottles waste a lot of plastic, some companies adding mostly water to make it look like you’re getting more for your money. Buying shampoo bars and soap noticeably cuts down on your bathroom waste and saves space in your shower!!
5. Try a Cool Shower
Heating your water takes energy, and cool water closes your pores (making them appear smaller) and helps hair stay shiny by closing your hair follicles. Smaller pores and follicles means that dirt has a harder time getting in, keeping your hair and skin healthy!
Did we miss a key green beauty trick? Let us know in the comments!!