11 Simple Ways To Empower Yourself Every Day
11 Simple Ways To Empower Yourself Every Day
We believe that every woman deserves to feel strong, important, and beautiful. In the midst of our busy lives, it’s easy to forget to take time for ourselves, and ultimately, it can lead to exhaustion and even low self-esteem.
Fitting some self-care into your schedule doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming, but you have to make sure you do something kind for yourself every single day! Below are 11 simple ways to empower yourself because working a little “me time” into your routine can do wonders for your body, mind, and soul. This would make a great New Year’s resolution, and may be the only one you enjoy keeping -- you deserve it!
1. Soak in a bath
There’s nothing like a relaxing bath to help you decompress, especially when the weather gets chilly. Close your eyes, absorb in the warmth, and detox with some bath salts. Especially when you’re chilled to the bone, there’s nothing like a hot soak to calm your nerves and lift your mood.
2. Meditate
This tends to be a love-or-hate activity, but if you enjoy a little meditation, this is a great way to rejuvenate yourself in just a few minutes (or more, if you have time!). Whether you’re listening to a guided session or visualizing your dreams come to life, this practice can bring you peace as well as positive vibes.
3. Watch your favorite TV show
Whether you watch a weekly comedy or you’re addicted to the newest Netflix series, taking time to enjoy an episode of your favorite show -- even if it’s trashy reality TV -- can give you a brief break from the pressures of daily life.
4. Spend time with your pet
Studies prove that pets help lower stress, improve our mood, and increase our physical activity, among other benefits. If you have a furry friend at home, spend a little one-on-one time with them, whether it’s snuggling, playing, or going on an adventure. It’s not only good for you -- it’s good for them, too.
5. Do a physical activity that you ENJOY
Everyone knows that exercise is a natural mood booster, but it’s also important to do activities that you enjoy. Whether it’s rejuvenating yoga postures, a vigorous cardio class, or a brisk walk, doing something you don’t dread will make you more likely to stick to a fitness routine.
6. Indulge in an at-home spa day…
Everyone needs a day to be pampered head-to-toe, but lots of us are short on time and / or money. Set aside some time every so often to do your nails, apply face masks (you can even make your own!), exfoliate, and moisturize. You can even use this day to catch up removing any unwanted hair and re-hydrating your body; try adding cucumber and lemon slices to your water for a refreshing and detoxifying drink.
7. ...or go to the spa
Every woman should treat herself to a spa day, even if it’s just once in awhile. There’s nothing like a relaxing massage to ease tight muscles and melt away stress. Manis, pedis, facials, and wraps are all indulgences you deserve to try (and repeat), if you wish!
8. Do a DIY project
Maybe you love making home decor, whipping up DIY body products, scrapbooking, or baking. The fact is, everyone is creative in one way or another, and we all deserve to have fun expressing it!
9. Read a book or magazine
In today’s “plugged-in” age, reading seems to be a lost indulgence. Books, magazines, even online publications -- whatever helps you “escape” -- are all fair game.
10. Embrace your natural beauty
Every woman deserves the confidence boost that comes with letting her features shine through. Healthy, smooth skin and naturally textured hair never go out of style. Try these coconut oil beauty hacks, along with the R.E.M Spring Facial Hair Remover for a chemical-free way to remove facial hair so all the world sees is the glow on your face.
11. Help empower other women
Did you know that your beauty routine can help empower other women? Be a good role model, encourage the ladies in your life, and consider buying products and goods from companies that support our fellow females. By helping each other out, we can all make a world of difference, and in turn, empower ourselves.